China's web giant Baidu is soon to introduce the driver less car. In this age of fast developing technology, driver- less trains and cars have been introduced in many countries. After Google has introduced its driver-less car, China's web giant has proposed to make driver less cars.
US Department of Transportation called National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently introduced a new technology to eradicate accidents on account of drunk driving.
We know that there is no yet a proper treatment for killer diseases like cancers. Of course they would become fatal when they occur on inner organs or skin. Recently London doctors have found an innovative treatment in which cold causing viruses are taken for the treatment.
These days it has become very common that many Google applications and accounts are hacked by someones online. Generally persons who have been trying to hack others Google accounts would get passwords and usernames from other systems in which those accounts have been already opened. To protect your Google accounts from hackers, here are some useful tips.
New Delhi metro rail service has planned to introduce driver-less train for the first time in India. This new train is going to be built on South Korean technology in Sangwan of South Korea. The controlling centers of Delhi Metro are going to operate this type of trains.